Oscillation Therapy
Oscillation Therapy is also known as vibration therapy. There are two main types of vibration therapy: whole-body and localized. Whole-body and localized vibration therapy have a range of health benefits that can help improve muscle mass, improve circulation, reduce joint pain, reduce back pain, alleviate stress, boost metabolism, and boost immune your system.
In 1867, Russian physician and inventor Gustav Zander developed an apparatus that used weights and pulleys to create a sense of vibration. Its purpose was therapeutic. In 1895, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg also implemented vibration therapy into his health practice, using a vibrating chair he developed himself. Kellogg discovered it could help improve circulation, alleviate metabolic constipation, and promote natural detoxing.
During whole-body vibration therapy, your therapist will ask you to stand, sit, or lay on a machine supported by a vibrating platform. During localized vibration therapy, your therapist will place a hand-held vibrating device on individual locations, like the shoulders, sides, abdomen, or lower back. When the vibrations are transmitted to your body, they cause your muscles to contract and relax— stimulating your lymphatic system, helping to aide in the healing process.
Every post-op and body contouring treatment starts out with a whole-body oscillation treatment. Starting each session by stimulating the lymphatic system, allows the body to spend the session collecting free floating toxins, fat cells, and free radicals. This increase in circulation aids in the homeostasis process.