Vacuum Therapy
Vacuum Therapy stimulates the muscles, breaks the cellulite and fat deposits, removes toxins, and improves lymphatic drainage. Vacuum therapy also helps restore the natural elasticity of the skin to soften the appearance of facial wrinkles and “orange peel” dimples, as well as, on the thighs and buttocks area. This safe, pain-free, and highly effective treatment is carried out with suction cups that are connected to a special machine that produces suction to the tissue. The vacuum is manipulated by your licensed massage therapist in a specific way to achieve desired results such as the removal of cellulite, the removal of facial lines, and the elimination of fibrosis.
Vacuum therapy raises, enlarges, softens, and reaffirms tissue, increases skin flexibility, releases venous and lymphatic flow, exfoliates the epidermis making skin softer, stimulates the dermis and hypodermis, decreases muscle tension, enhances body tone and shape, improves blood circulation, and tightens and tones the skin. Vacuum Therapy is completely non-surgical, so typically you can return to normal activities immediately. Some patients experience redness, minor bruising, tingling, numbness, or discomfort in the treated area, but this is temporary and will resolve quickly. Often, patients return to work after the session is over.